Wonder Woman 1984 Lacks a Puzzle Piece Which Had Made Its Predecessor Great

The Film Addict
8 min readJan 12, 2021
Source: Warner Bros

Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman sequel is short on one thing that is widely regarded as a bane to filmmakers worldwide. Wonder Woman 1984 is certainly not an awful superhero film, but if we place the movie side-by-side with its predecessor — Wonder Woman (2017), it certainly leaves much to be desired. And I mean, an awful lot, to be desired.

Much of the hype surrounding Wonder Woman 1984 centered around Jenkins, who had shocked the world with the success of her first Wonder Woman film. To which, Warner Bros had wasted no time to catch up with her and made it very clear — they would readily part ways with $8 million dollars to get her back on the director’s chair for a Wonder Woman sequel.

Had Jenkins shown the executives of Warner Bros her front door at that time, the directorship would have made its way into the hands of another filmmaker. Perhaps, one who had never directed any superhero film before, like Tom Hooper. If that is the case, the outcome of Wonder Woman 1984 at its current state certainly does not need any demystifying.

If you do not know who Tom Hooper is, I strongly suggest that you should. After all, Hooper has a great reputation of emptying cinema halls globally even before the pandemic hit — not a simple feat, but his musical fantasy film, Cats (2019)…

